Want to Start a Farm Business? It can be Integrated with Fish Farming.
In this article, I present (as I have in previous writings) more ideas for agribusiness owners to consider to ensure a successful start-up and the long-term success of their agribusiness.
Personally, I use the phrase 'agricultural business' to refer to a combination of primarily fish farming businesses integrated with other businesses raising livestock (e.g. pigs, poultry, rabbits, etc.), growing complementary crops, farming earthworms, daphnia cultivation, and food facility. /installation etc.
Integrated fish farming helps protect you from dangers and uncertainties
I have carefully studied the trends here (which are still very unstructured) and have come to one conclusion: one must be reasonably self-sufficient in the needs of the agribusiness, particularly in terms of procuring essential and crucial inputs promptly that, if diversity in quality or availability is allowed, it could cause major setbacks in farm operations.
The important inputs I am referring to include broodstock, fingerlings, feed, etc., the supply/quality of which may not be reliably guaranteed, as unscrupulous suppliers can defraud the business at any time.
In my opinion, this approach of running the farm business on a combination of high profit/low capital and operating cost to livestock and other businesses ensures that all farm resources, including labor, are used to the maximum throughout the year.
This contrasts with the situation with exclusive crops and other seasonal agricultural projects that have to coincide with different seasons.
So, if you are planning to start your own farming business and want to wait and get real long-term financial returns, I suggest you choose to operate your farm based on your livestock production - fish farming (especially catfish) which gives reliable/quite reasonable returns with relatively lower capital requirements - Integrates with other complementary institutions.
Due to the challenging, risky, and uncertain nature of our socio-economic environment, integrated small-scale fish farming is the easiest, cheapest, and least risky to learn and start-up, as well as, with good management, the most financially profitable. returns
That's why I chose to focus on this rather than, say, poultry farming, which is relatively more capital and operational. Over time, of course, anyone (recording incremental success in small/small-scale fish farming) can "step up" to more capital-intensive levels.
So to sum it all up, I think exclusive fish farming for individuals and small groups operating on a small to small scale is somewhat risky and prone to negative impacts from the unpredictable economic climate here in Nigeria. Elsewhere this may not be a big deal of course (it's up to the farm/start-up owner to decide).
This, like other unplanned and therefore unanticipated changes in government policy before this one, will have a ripple effect on many of the input/operational variables used on many farms. By having a complementary mix of projects, the fish farmer is strengthening his farming business against a direct hit that, in its worst manifestations, can lead to "death" in the literal sense of the word.
. Remember that you do not have to accept my ideas, and I strongly suggest that you seek the advice of competent professionals in making your decision.
Please note, however, that when accepting advice from anyone (including myself), you will need to check and ensure that you have a full appreciation of the dynamics at play in managing the agribusiness projects being considered, in the chosen environment. What I present to you here is drawn from a comprehensive, experience-based assessment of the challenges facing such agribusiness owners.
If you need help deciding on a farm business to venture into, I suggest you read my article "14 Key Questions: Things to Consider in Choosing (and Starting) the Right Farm Business."
Personal Development/Performance Improvement Specialist - Tayo Solagbade - works as a multi-entrepreneur, helping individuals/companies develop and implement strategies to achieve their goals promptly.
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